The Land and Water Summit Planning committee recognizes the importance of professional development and networking opportunities for students and people beginning their careers in fields that support sustainable land and water management. 

For this reason, we are offering scholarships to cover the full ticket price for a limited number of students and early career professionals to attend the Land & Water Summit, in person, March 6-7, 2025. Tickets are offered in blocks to accommodate school and work schedules. Please only reserve tickets for times you are able to attend.

  • Students must be 18 years or older to attend.
  • High school, undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible and encouraged to apply.
  • Student and photo ID required to check in at event.
  • Early career professionals must have graduated in the last 1-2 years.
  • Early career professionals may be asked for proof of recent graduation. 
  • Travel and lodging costs are not included in the scholarship.

Applications open January 15 at 8am and are open until filled. The scholarship is only for the conference and does not include the field trip.

Apply and get your Student/Early Career scholarship ticket here:

Questions? Contact Annie Montes at

Register Now on Whova



    Join us as we explore nature-based solutions to land and water resource management as a means of climate change adaption.